Curriculum vitae
PDF of my complete CV (Last updated February 2024)
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Selected papers
Vaughn, C., Mechtenberg, H., & Orozco Contreras, J. (2024). The Language Science Station at Planet Word: A Language Research and Engagement Laboratory at a Language Museum. Linguistics Vanguard. [ Link ]
Dunbar, A., King, S., & Vaughn, C. (2024). Dialect on Trial: An Experimental Examination of Raciolinguistic Ideologies and Character Judgments. Race & Justice. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C. & Becker, K. (2024). Documenting the emerging social-semiotic landscape in children ages 5 to 12. Language & Communication, 95, 16-30. [ Link ]
Houghton, Z., Kato, M., Baese-Berk, M., & Vaughn, C. (2023). Task-dependent consequences of disfluency in perception of native and non-native speech. Applied Psycholinguistics, 1-17. [ Link to open access ]
Lo, R.Y., Liu, S., Vaughn, C., McAuliffe, M., & Babel, M. (2023). Variation in perception and production of /s/-/ʃ/ in English. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic. [ Link to PDF ]
Lee, J., Idemaru, K., & Vaughn, C. (2023). Effects of Sociolinguistic Factors on Second Dialect Acquisition of North Korean Refugees in Seoul. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Prague, Czech Republic. [ Link to PDF ]
Clapp, W., Vaughn, C., Todd, S., & Sumner, M. (2023). Talker-specificity and token-specificity in recognition memory. Cognition, 237(105450). [ Link ]
* Kendall, T., Pharao, N., Stuart-Smith, J., & Vaughn, C. (2023). Advancements of Phonetics in the 21st Century: Theoretical Issues in Sociophonetics. Journal of Phonetics, 98(101226). [ Link ]
* Author order is alphabetical; all authors contributed equally.
Clapp, W., Vaughn, C., & Sumner, M. (2023). The episodic encoding of talker voice attributes across diverse voices. Journal of Memory & Language, 128(104376). [ Link to open access ]
Vaughn, C. (2022). The role of internal constraints and stylistic congruence on a variant's social impact. Language Variation and Change, 34(3), 331-354. [ Link to open access ]
Vaughn, C. (2022). What carries greater social weight, a linguistic variant’s local use or its typical use? Proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society. [ Link to PDF ]
Vaughn, C. & Becker, K. (2022). The development of indexicality: Perceptual evidence from 4 to 18 year olds. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics volume 28.2, selected papers from NWAV 49. [ Link to PDF ]
King, S., Vaughn, C., & Dunbar, A. (2022). Dialect on Trial: Raciolinguistic ideologies in perceptions of AAVE/MAE codeswitching. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics volume 28.2, selected papers from NWAV 49. [ Link to PDF ]
Lee, J., Idemaru, K., & Vaughn, C. (2022). Stop production and language attitudes among North Korean refugees living in South Korea. Penn Working Papers in Linguistics volume 28.2, selected papers from NWAV 49. [ Link to PDF ]
Kendall, T., Vaughn, C., Farrington, C., Gunter, K., McLean, J., Tacata, C., & Arnson, S. (2021). Considering performance in the automated and manual coding of sociolinguistic variables: Lessons from variable (ING). Frontiers in artificial intelligence, 4, 43. [ Link ]
Gunter, K., Vaughn, C., & Kendall, T. (2021). Contextualizing /s/ retraction: Sibilant variation and change in Washington D.C. African American Language. Language Variation and Change, 1-27. [ Link ]
Idemaru, K. & Vaughn, C. (2020). Perceptual tracking of distinct distributional regularities within a single voice. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 148(6), EL427-EL432. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C. & Whitty, A. (2020). Investigating the relationship between comprehensibility and social evaluation. Journal of Second Language Pronunciation, 6(3), 483-504. [ Link ]
Kendall, T., & Vaughn, C. (2020). Exploring vowel formant estimation through simulation-based techniques. Linguistics Vanguard, 6(s1). [ Link ]
Gunter, K., Vaughn, C., & Kendall, T. (2020). Perceiving Southernness: Vowel categories and acoustic cues in Southernness ratings. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 147(1), 643-656. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C. & Kendall, T. (2019). Stylistically coherent variants: Social meaning in representation. Revista de Estudos da Linguagem, (27)4, 1787-1830. [ Link ] [ Link to PDF ]
Vaughn, C. (2019). Expectations about the source of a speaker’s accent affect accent adaptation. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 145, 3218-3232. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C., Baese-Berk, M., & Idemaru, K. (2019). Reexamining phonetic variability in native and non-native speech. Phonetica, 76(5), 327-358. [ Link ]
Babel, M., McAuliffe, M., Norton, C., Senior, B., & Vaughn, C. (2019). The Goldilocks zone of perceptual learning. Phonetica, 76(2-3), 179-200. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C., & Baese-Berk, M. (2019). Effects of talker order on accent ratings. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia. [ Link to PDF ]
Lee, J., Vaughn, C., & Idemaru, K. (2019). Production and perception of North Korean and South Korean Vowels: A pilot study. In Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences. Melbourne, Australia. [ Link to PDF ]
Vaughn, C. & Kendall, T. (2018). Listener sensitivity to probabilistic conditioning of sociolinguistic variables: The case of (ING). Journal of Memory and Language, 103, 58-73. [ Link ]
Vaughn, C., Kendall, T., & Gunter, K. (2018). Probing the social meaning of English adjective intensifiers as a class lab project. American Speech, 93(2), 298-310. [ Link ]
PhD dissertation
Vaughn, C. (2014). PhD dissertation. [ Link ]