Selected teaching highlights
Student writing from my Spring 2019 Clark Honors College seminar at University of Oregon is posted on our class blog, with student pieces aimed at explaining an issue in linguistic discrimination to popular audiences.
See Vaughn et al. (2018) for a description of a class lab project from LING 302 at University of Oregon that conducted original research on the social meaning of adjective intensification.
See photos of first year students from my and Paul Dassonville's Speak Your Mind FIG (first year interest group) over the years at University of Oregon, including some interactive demos students created on topics in language and cognition, visiting the LCNI (neuroimaging lab) on campus, and on other of our various field trips!
Recent teaching
I am not in a teaching position at UMD, though I do regularly teach MLSC 420/620, Language at the Museum: Engaging the Public in Language Science
Selected courses taught at University of Oregon
Introduction to Language (LING 101), undergraduate, for non-majors
Introduction to Linguistic Behavior (LING 302), undergraduate, for majors (intro to sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, and language development)
FIG College Connections: Speak Your Mind (LING 199, First-Year Interest Group), with Paul Dassonville
Development of social meaning: The origins of linguistic discrimination (Clark Honors College undergraduate seminar)
Memory and evaluation of accented speech and speakers (LING 407/507), undergraduate/graduate seminar
Second language acquisition (LING 444/544), undergraduate/graduate
Linguistics graduate writing workshop (LING 608)